A Community Learning Together – MAQIN

A Community Learning Together – MAQIN

“We are dying here. We need your help.” I had just poured a cup of coffee for myself early one Monday morning. A CEO who had recently joined MAQIN—Madison Area Quality Improvement Network—was on the line. “We have 50 improvement teams going on. We are paralyzed. We...
Never Say Die

Never Say Die

  Change requires two important things. A significant event and a perceptive eye. Significant events are happening all around us all the time. The key is having the perceptive eye to know which ones are worthy of our actions. ~ Dr. George Box – Former University of...
Why Is It Upside Down?

Why Is It Upside Down?

They called him Big Pres. He was a massive man with a full head of steel gray hair. His hands told the story of his life—tanned and enlarged by hard work over many years. Born on a farm out West, he knew how to wrangle cattle and mend electric fences. He could fix...
Four Men in Black

Four Men in Black

…One of the best ways for young leaders to learn is by observing other leaders in action. ~ Company President   Who were these four young men in black? Why had four impeccably dressed men in black suits, white shirts, black ties, and black oxfords come into the...