by Kent Lesandrini | Jun 8, 2022 | More Stories
How do people learn? Working with a hospital’s x-ray department one time, we began by trying to define “quality” for the area. Staff were expounding on equipment, accuracy, and technical results when a female technician spoke up. “Have any of you had an x-ray here...
by Barbara Hummel | Apr 25, 2022 | More Stories
“We are dying here. We need your help.” I had just poured a cup of coffee for myself early one Monday morning. A CEO who had recently joined MAQIN—Madison Area Quality Improvement Network—was on the line. “We have 50 improvement teams going on. We are paralyzed. We...
by Tom Mosgaller | Feb 14, 2022 | More Stories
Change requires two important things. A significant event and a perceptive eye. Significant events are happening all around us all the time. The key is having the perceptive eye to know which ones are worthy of our actions. ~ Dr. George Box – Former University of...
by Kathleen A. Paris | Feb 4, 2022 | More Stories
They called him Big Pres. He was a massive man with a full head of steel gray hair. His hands told the story of his life—tanned and enlarged by hard work over many years. Born on a farm out West, he knew how to wrangle cattle and mend electric fences. He could fix...
by Tom Mosgaller | Feb 3, 2022 | More Stories
…One of the best ways for young leaders to learn is by observing other leaders in action. ~ Company President Who were these four young men in black? Why had four impeccably dressed men in black suits, white shirts, black ties, and black oxfords come into the...