Resources and tools will be added to this page over time.
Project Charter
As promised in the Epilogue of Bending Granite, here is a format for a project charter for a change you are leading or playing a key role in. It can help everyone get on the same page with shared expectations and understanding. The questions will help ensure that you have considered purpose, processes, and people from the start. Some of the items may not pertain to your project, so just complete the ones that are useful to you and your team. Alternatively, you may need to add in more detailed information.
Download your Project Charter Worksheet.
Personal Action Plan
As promised in the Epilogue of Bending Granite, here is a format for creating your own personal action plan. Hopefully you have gained lots of ideas about how you can use the change strategies and approaches described by the authors. Completing this action plan should help you get clear on what you need to do next and will help you stick with your own leadership development goals.
Download your Personal Action Plan.